Skin: : ) BCC. [Coffee] Tomato Pink (B) (Avaliable in 3 tones and 2 makeups)(NEW, NEW, NEW)
Shape: Shape: Caótica_MaY Lupita Shape in mesh standard sizing (Marketplace)
Eyes: : ) BCC. Papaya Eye Blue (NEW, NEW, NEW)
Hair: *Alice Project* Steph II [M] - Blonde/Pink (HUNT GIFT-Where is the concert)
Shirt: La petit Fleur Mesh peplum tops (XS ) (FREE)
Skirt: : ) BCC. Minimini Skirt Pink (NEW, NEW, NEW)
Boots: Ricielli - TESS Mesh Boots / Black L / XL (15 Lindens HUNT- CHARMING hunt item # 2)
Neckace: [Fairy Tail] Antique Pendant-Key (1 LINDEN)
Bag: *Tentacio* old school bag (NEW, NEW, NEW)